Sunday, November 18, 2007

A Little of This, A Little of that

The night before Charlie went in for her operation, we had to remove water dishes. We have one in the back yard for the girls, and as you can see, once I emptied it, she turned it into a toy. Sometimes I wish I could read Susie's mind. She must think Charlie is just nuts.

The vet said Charlie drove them crazy when she first arrived on Friday morning. I know she used to make a racket when we crated her. I can only imagine the sounds she made as other dogs came in and out of the office. Once she was spayed, she settled down. Yea, the sedative and pain killlers had to help.

I think Susie actually missed her on Friday

As the vet was telling me what to do, what to look out for, he informed me that there has been a tick infestation. He exterminate the builing himself, but dogs have been coming in with tick much more this year than in years past. I couldn't be informed about this before they took her? I think I should have had the option of leaving her or not.

Dr. Mike seemed a lttle miffed about the tick thing. All I could think was, I didn't bring in ticks. I chalk it up to a bad day. He has called to check on Susie, after we've taken her in to see him.

We are supposed to keep her from jumping. Yea right. She acts like she spent a day at the spa. The little bundle of energy has only slowed down a little.

Monk Parakeets. They aren't native to Florida, but the 1960's escapees have certainly made themselves at home. My neighbor likes to feed the birds. They sit on the wire waiting for their shot at the food.

I wait with camera waiting for a flight shot. This is the only one I got. As I was waiting with camera ready, my arm got tired. I let the camera down, and they flew off.

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