Sunday, January 25, 2009

Red Tailed Hawk at Work

Katie did it to me again. Just like Thursday, she came back from break all excited. "Pick up your camera. The hawk is on the light pole in front of the building." (I knew what pole she was talking about, because usually it is where the Osprey eats.) I grabbed my camera again.

I knew going out the front door wasn't an option. That would get me there faster, but it would also scare him off. (Osprey down here, will sit on a pole an look at you like you are what is to be observed. Hawks aren't like that. These guys are very skittish.) I headed out the lunch room door. Turned the corner, and again he wasn't where Katie said he would be. I then looked at the tree that he likes to perch and no luck.

I seen Kim and Angie smoking, and wandered over to them to talk. "Katie did it to me again. She tells me there is a hawk out here, and he's no where to be found." Then for whatever reason, I looked over my shoulder, and there he was, in his favorite tree.

I usually see him in the tree, when the sun is directly behind him. But at 3:30 PM the sun was headed to the west, and I could get a few shots of him. As you can see from the above I got him screeching at me or the little birds trying to get him out of the area.


gerrycammy said...

Awesome! Excellent photo!

Anonymous said...

it's another KATIEDID!