Sunday, September 14, 2008

What's For Lunch

I had just finished eating my lunch (yogurt), when I spotted a hawk fly into a tree. It wasn't the frequently spotted Red-Shouldered Hawk. Its markings looked more like that of the Red Tailed Hawk. As I tried to get myself into position for a picture, he spotted me, and took to the air.

I walked the edge of the water to see if he had flown to some tree close, and that's when I spotted two dragonflies. I thought that they may be mating. The two landed, and I began to snap pictures. That's when I discovered I wasn't the only one on a lunch break. One dragonfly was devouring the other.

The dragonfly book I have doesn't mention anything about them being cannibals.

On a brighter note. I also spotted this Gulf Fritillary. I have a lot of pictures of these guys, but I really like the angle of this one.

By the way Gerry, I took your advise, and fixed my comment settings.

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